Tobías Emanuel overcomes one of the great challenges of quarantine: virtual care for people with cognitive disabilities!

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There are multiple situations that demonstrate that the world is not intended for people with cognitive disabilities or intellectual disabilities during quarantine, but the Tobías Emanuel Institute has been finding answers for the vast majority of them.

This global situation, which recommends confinement and care at home, has shown multiple difficulties for all and has also represented a challenge for institutions in which, like Tobías Emanuel, work with people with intellectual disabilities or cognitive disabilities.

The use of technology and virtual education, for example, tends to be thought of as a barrier that could leave them behind in their educational programs. However, at the Tobías Emanuel Institute various communication resources have been used with all possible platforms: WhatsApp, YouTube, Classroom, personalized calls and other resources that guarantee constant communication with students and participants from their homes.

See also: We are at home because of the coronavirus and so we continue studying in the Tobías Emanuel

It seeks to involve families to the fullest with talks, consultancies, home visits and multiple accompaniments, which allows distance and the fact of not having a face-to-face job, not to be a barrier with the families of the Institute. All of our plans have been adapted to the needs of each student and according to the feedback of the parents.

So that premise that indicates that the world is not ready to serve virtually disabled people, has been the challenge that we assume and that we are overcoming, being recursive with platforms, providing families with various devices that allow them to access programs from home and even internet connections that guarantee access to them.

Working with its own methodology, the Tobías Emanuel Institute refines the pedagogical model that has worked in the last two decades and is now taking it to virtual platforms to give it a greater and better scope and continue to specialize the successful work that is recognized with the population with cognitive or intellectual disabilities.

Within what is coming, we are preparing workshops, courses and diplomas to teach online. The institution is organizing to continue operating virtually in a solid, sustained, strong way and consolidating its model.

Tobías Emanuel overcomes one of the great challenges of quarantine: virtual care for people with cognitive disabilities!

Special Articles

There are multiple situations that demonstrate that the world is not intended for people with cognitive disabilities or intellectual disabilities during quarantine, but the Tobías Emanuel Institute has been finding answers for the vast majority of them.

This global situation, which recommends confinement and care at home, has shown multiple difficulties for all and has also represented a challenge for institutions in which, like Tobías Emanuel, work with people with intellectual disabilities or cognitive disabilities.

The use of technology and virtual education, for example, tends to be thought of as a barrier that could leave them behind in their educational programs. However, at the Tobías Emanuel Institute various communication resources have been used with all possible platforms: WhatsApp, YouTube, Classroom, personalized calls and other resources that guarantee constant communication with students and participants from their homes.

See also: We are at home because of the coronavirus and so we continue studying in the Tobías Emanuel

It seeks to involve families to the fullest with talks, consultancies, home visits and multiple accompaniments, which allows distance and the fact of not having a face-to-face job, not to be a barrier with the families of the Institute. All of our plans have been adapted to the needs of each student and according to the feedback of the parents.

So that premise that indicates that the world is not ready to serve virtually disabled people, has been the challenge that we assume and that we are overcoming, being recursive with platforms, providing families with various devices that allow them to access programs from home and even internet connections that guarantee access to them.

Working with its own methodology, the Tobías Emanuel Institute refines the pedagogical model that has worked in the last two decades and is now taking it to virtual platforms to give it a greater and better scope and continue to specialize the successful work that is recognized with the population with cognitive or intellectual disabilities.

Within what is coming, we are preparing workshops, courses and diplomas to teach online. The institution is organizing to continue operating virtually in a solid, sustained, strong way and consolidating its model.