educar en valores

5 short films to educate in values ​​from home

Educating in values ​​is not only transmitting good manners. It is also important to teach them to distinguish good attitudes from bad and to help them develop moral conscience. In this sense, short films are audiovisual pieces that are very useful for us to work with children and several of them can be an excellent starting point for reflection on values ​​and their importance. With thSeguir Leyendo…

How to support at home the development of our children with Intellectual Disabilities?

In times when the family is reunited at home, it is very important to maintain a loving and cordial relationship between everyone. And for that it is worth reviewing some tips such as those offered by Educrea (Chile) for parents of girls and boys with intellectual disabilities. All children need time and peace of mind to deal with them. Thus, with young children with intellectual disabilities, Seguir Leyendo…

Games that can help the development of people with cognitive disabilities or intellectual disabilities

Among the various methods that exist for people with intellectual disabilities or cognitive disabilities to improve their abilities are games. This is a fun way and with very good results. Hopscotch It is a traditional game that aims to develop basic motor skills. In the dream, boxes with numbers are drawn. Then the participants stand behind box number 1 and with an object in hand, they will Seguir Leyendo…

The Educational Strip of Señal Colombia to Strengthen Homeschooling for Boys, Girls and Adolescents

Since the beginning of April, this alternative has been on the air to strengthen homeschooling in times of preventive isolation. ‘My signal’ began broadcasting gradually through the channels of the Public Media System and in liaison with regional channels. This educational project that reaches millions of families, through television and public radio, is seen by Señal Colombia, the signal of DSeguir Leyendo…

Tobías Emanuel overcomes one of the great challenges of quarantine: virtual care for people with cognitive disabilities!

There are multiple situations that demonstrate that the world is not intended for people with cognitive disabilities or intellectual disabilities during quarantine, but the Tobías Emanuel Institute has been finding answers for the vast majority of them. This global situation, which recommends confinement and care at home, has shown multiple difficulties for all and has also represented a challSeguir Leyendo…

Recommendations for people with cognitive disabilities against coronavirus. To follow them at home!

In this time of isolation and protection to prevent the spread and spread of the coronavirus, we are all at home and in them it is important that we maintain routines to keep our bodies and minds healthy. Fundación Descúbreme offers us the following tips for people with cognitive disabilities: Personal hygiene, clothing and food: When you get up, take a shower and dress comfortably (avoiSeguir Leyendo…